Countless, Marvelous Fruits of Revival

Countless, Marvelous Fruits Cover image


There is morel This “more” is the reality of God drawing near, rending the heavens and coming down. It is the difference between times of revival and times of decline in the Church. Revivals are led by people who have been touched by the “more,” whether that experience is described in the language of entire consecration, sanctification or baptism in the Holy Spirit. Periods of revival are characterized by people who believe the life they are living and the things the Church is experiencing are beneath what is possible and available in God. This belief causes them to seek Him for an impartation of more.
This book is about the impartation of that “more.” But what exactly is the more? It is many things: more love for God and humankind, more power, more anointing, more joy, more burden of the Lord for the lost, more revelation from God regarding the needs of others, more conviction over sin, more faith in prayer, more conversions, more gifts, more healings, more deliverances, more churches planted and more of the culture being leavened by the Kingdom of God.
People who have received impartations of God’s enabling graces become history makers. They may not always become national or international history makers, but they change their personal history and the history of those around them at the local church and community level. A powerful impartation produces fruit for the Kingdom of God. It is not a matter of talk, but a demonstration of power.
The impartation experience I am speaking about is not just receiving a blessing from God. Neither is it a matter of being strengthened by the Holy Spirit or by an angel. It is more than that. There is destiny connected with the impartation. Many times it is accompanied by a prophetic word that reveals this destiny. At other times, a person’s destiny has already been revealed to them, and later they receive an impartation that enables them to accomplish that God-given destiny.
The following pages are full of testimonies that attest to the title of this book, There is More! In writing this book, I hope to stir up a greater hunger for this “more” of God. Many Christians, especially in the Western Church, do not even know that there is more beyond the routines of their church culture. As you read these pages, I hope that you will desire to experience more of God’s empowering presence, desire to receive a personal impartation and desire to be more powerfully used by God in your local church, your community, your city and the world.

Chapter 4 The Fruits of Impartation.

Psalm 1 gives us a beautiful picture of impartation and its fruits in a person’s life. In it we see a man who has turned away from the things of the world and the flesh and instead finds his delight in the Lord. As he meditates on the Lord’s instruction day and night, he becomes like a tree planted beside streams of water, that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Isn’t this what happens when we receive impartation from God? I think it is. God begins by preparing our hearts, turning us away from the things of the world and creating in us a great and desperate hunger for Himself. He answers the cry of our hearts by drawing us deeper into relationship with Him, and then He touches us so profoundly that we are forever uprooted from our old lives and replanted by streams of His living water, where we bear fruit in season. He causes us to prosper and produce fruit for His Kingdom.
In the following pages, you will read stories of ordinary men and women who have found themselves engaged in extraordinary things as a result of an impartation from God. They have been radically changed, convicted, equipped and launched with the ability to take hold of God’s calling on their lives. They have come to find out that impartation has a price. It can mean enduring resistance from family, friends and even church, and it can often bring on persecution and great trials. Some have had to change their doctrine after an impartation. They have gained boldness and confidence they never could have imagined. They have found themselves being used by God to heal the sick and raise the dead.
As you read these amazing stories, you will see God’s involvement and know that it is Him these believers seek. It is about knowing His heart, taking time with Him and seeing His glory. As Dr. Denise Meisburg says in one story you are about to read, “You can’t use His power unless you know His heart.”

Touched by God

Rolland and Heidi Baker are long-term missionaries in Mozambique, Africa. God has connected my ministry with theirs, specifically as it relates to impartation. Let me begin in 1997, where our stories meet. After fifteen years of serving in the slums of Indonesia, Hong Kong and London, and also serving eighteen months among the broken children of Mozambique, Rolland and Heidi were in desperate need of a fresh touch from God. I believe that just as God set up a divine appointment for Cornelius in Acts 10, who also served God’s people, God also set up a divine appointment for Rolland and Heidi that would take place in Toronto, Canada.

Rolland had visited Toronto before Heidi, making his first trip in October 1995. He was profoundly touched by God in the revival. Returning to Mozambique, he knew he needed to take Heidi back to Toronto with him. In July 1996 she agreed to go for the Healing Conference. On the plane, Heidi cried out to God, praying, “God, if You don’t touch me, I am so tired that I’d like to just take a job at Kmart. I don’t think I can continue in ministry without You touching me afresh.” She was very sick at the time, and her doctor had advised her not to travel. A woman named Sharon Wright prayed for Heidi at the conference, and she was completely healed.
The Bakers returned to Toronto in the fall of 1996, and God again touched Heidi. Then in January 1997, Heidi made her third trip to Toronto. I was there at the revival as one of the guest speakers. I preached a message that I have preached many times since called “Pressing In.” This is the sermon I have seen God use to build faith for an impartation of fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit all over the world. Its bottom-line message is that God is looking for people who are desperate to be used by Him-people who are not content to be average, but who want to be mightily used of God.
While I was preaching this message, about three-quarters of the way through Heidi left her seat, came to the altar and began to pray for God to touch her. I remember seeing Heidi praying there. She looked up at me with tears streaming down her face. Immediately I was aware of a strong impression to speak the following prophetic word to her: “Heidi, God wants to know, do you want the nation of Mozambique?” I did not try to figure out the word; I just gave it.
Heidi answered with a strong voice, “Yes!”
Then I said, “God is going to give you the nation of Mozambique. You are going to see the dumb speak, the lame walk, the blind see and the dead be raised.”
Immediately God backed up this prophetic word with His mighty power and presence. The power of God came on Heidi with such force and intensity that she was rendered paralyzed from the neck down for a short period of time. She experienced heat, electricity, laughter and crying and thought she might die from the power. This lasted for seven days and nights. This was the most powerful experience of the Spirit that Heidi had ever had in her life. It was the most intense and longest in duration, and it produced the greatest fruit.
What came out of this impartation is a saga so remarkable that it is perhaps the most phenomenal harvest of souls in our present day. Heidi and Rolland’s stories of miracles, divine appointments, provision, heroism and heartrending experiences could be straight from the book of Acts. They prove that Jesus Christ is indeed the same yesterday, today and forever! Through the Bakers, God has birthed a miraculous church-planting movement that now encompasses over ten thousand churches in ten nations, as well as over a million salvations.

Fruit for the Kingdom

It is important to be aware that receiving a prophetic word, as Heidi did, does not mean everything will suddenly become easy. More often, the prophetic word is what God uses to strengthen us during the difficult times that are soon to follow. I have noticed that there is often a relationship between the intensity of an experience with God and the degree of difficulty a person will face in fulfilling the call of God on his or her life. We must learn how to stand on the promises of the prophetic word. I will explore this concept more fully in chapter 7, “Radical 0bedience.”

Another thing to note is that although the Bakers received their impartations over a period of time, it does not always work that way. God will sometimes move quickly. He works with each of us in just the way we need to best equip us to bring about much fruit for His Kingdom.

The following testimonies from pastors, missionaries and laypersons give some understanding of how an impartation can change lives-both the lives of the people receiving the impartation and the lives of all those they will touch as a result. The information in these pages came through interviews I did directly with these people or through letters and ernails they wrote to 111e about their impartation experiences. As you will see, each experience is as unique as the person receiving it, yet the similarity is that every one of these times of impartation produced fruit for the Kingdom.

Marcelo Casagrande

In 2003 I received an invitation to attend some revival meetings that were being held at Pastor Daniel Marin’s Four Square church in Sao Paulo, Brazil. [Note: These were part of a Global Awakening conference. Daniel Marin was the president of the Four Square denomination in the state of Sao Paulo, so about twelve hundred pastors and their spouses were present.]
I confess that when I arrived at the church, I was annoyed. I found it all very strange-people were worshiping God in a frantic way, shaking and swaying. Some were lying on the floor and rolling from side to side. I saw all of that and thought to myself, Do they really need all that to talk to God, or to feel His presence? You see, I was the pastor of a charismatic Baptist Church and we believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and in tongues, but still, the things I saw at the meetings were too much for my understanding.
Suddenly, as I was judging all that I saw, my leg started to shake without anyone touching me. I did not understand anything about that kind of revival and I wanted my leg to stop doing that, but I could not stop it. I had some people from my church along whom I had brought to the meetings, and I thought, What are my people going to think if they see my leg shaking Iike that?
In an attempt to stop my leg from shaking, I held it with my hand really tightly. But instead of stopping the leg, it got worse because then my hand also started to shake. I looked over my shoulder to see if my people were seeing this, and then my arm and shoulder started to shake. Before I could understand what was going on, I felt myself on the ground with my whole body shaking, impacted by a wonderful presence of God. I stayed there on the floor for hours, having a visitation from God.
After the meeting was over, I managed to get up with some help. I got to my car but could not drive home because my legs were still shaking so badly, so I asked a member of my church to drive my car and take me home. I heard that there would be some training at the church the next morning, so I went back for it. At that point, I didn’t care anymore about what people thought-I knew it was God, and I wanted more.
When I got to the training, though, I remember thinking, “Why do they teach about healing? There’s nothing to teach! God heals whomever He wants to heal. We just pray, and if it is His will, He will heal. There’s nothing for me to learn here.” I could not have been more wrong! I learned more about healing in that one morning than in all my years of training to become a pastor.
On the third night of the conference, Randy taught on impartation. Afterward, he began to pray for the presence of God to touch people. I remember him saying, “All the people who are shaking, feeling electricity, heat, energy or some manifestation of God’s presence, please come forward and stretch you ” hands forward with palms up, as if you’re going to receive a gift, because the Father wiII give you gifts this evening.”
Many people went to the front, including me. I was shaking intensely. Randy came up and asked me if I had rubbed some kind of oil on my hands. I told him that I had not, but once he mentioned it, I could also see that the palms of my hands were covered with a large amount of oil, so much that it was dripping to the floor. I told him that I hadn’t put anything on my hands and that such a thing had never happened to me before.
Randy looked at me and said, “The miracle anointing is upon this pastor!” When he said this he breathed on me, and the anointing fell on me so hard that I flew backward about ten feet. I knocked a bunch of people to the ground with me as I touched them with my anointed hands, and I got stuck on the floor for a couple of hours, shaking and impacted by the power of God being released on my life.
Again that night I could not drive my car, so a friend drove me home. When I got there, all I could do days was cry. I cried for three days and three nights straight. There came a time when I had no more tears, but I could not stop crying because of the presence of God. During these three days and nights I ate nothing. My wife tried to convince me to eat some food, but I could not eat or drink at all; I could only cry, She asked me why I was crying so much, and I told her it was because of God’s presence. I realized later that during that time God was healing me of a wound that I had deep down in my soul. The first miracle the Lord did in my life was in my heart. He was getting me ready for something big, but I had no idea of how big it would be.
After the third day of crying, I got up very hungry in the afternoon and went to a bakery near my house. On the way there, I got a word of knowledge for healing. I knew it was a word of knowledge because I had learned about it during the training that Randy had given us. When I arrived at the bakery, I stayed connected with the Holy Spirit to find out whom the word of knowledge was for. When I went to the cashier to pay for my pastries, I felt that the word was for a lady standing in the line. I walked up to her and asked if by chance she had a pain in her right shoulder.
She looked at me wide-eyed and asked, “How do you know that?”
I told her. “I’m a Christian, and sometimes Jesus tells me things He wants to heal for people.”
She then told me she was in terrible pain in her right shoulder. She could not lift it at all due to the pain.
I told her that when God gives a word of knowledge, He wants to heal, and I asked if I could pray for her. She said “Sure,” so I placed my hands on her shoulder.
Startled, the lady said, \\Ohl do you mean now? Here at the bakery’? Don’t I have to come to church or something?”
“Yes, now,” I told her. “God can heal you right here at the bakery. You don’t have to go to church. I will pray for you with my voice down low and my eyes open; no one will even notice that I’m praying for you.”
Then she replied, “Okay then.”
I placed my hands on her shoulder and prayed. under my breath, saying, “Holy Spirit, come; in the name of Jesus, shoulder, be healed.” I finished this short prayer, which I had learned from Randy’s teaching, and asked her if she felt any better.
She tried to move her arm, and to her surprise-and to my surprise, as well-she was totally healed! She could now lift her arm and touch her hair, something she could not have done at all before. She marveled and glorified God for her healing, and I instructed her to look for a church near her home to attend. I told her to tell everyone about what God had done for her, She said she would and thanked me, crying.
From that day onward, the Lord continued to use me in several places. Wherever I went, He gave me words of knowledge and I would pray for people who would get healed. It happened at the butcher’s, at the supermarket and in many other places.
On the next Sunday after my visitation and impartation from Randy, I started to preach as I always did, but there was something different about me. God’s presence was evident in my life. At a certain time during worship, I quickly shared my recent experience and invited people to come forward to receive prayer for healing. I had about five hundred people in my church, and most of them came to the front. I came down from the pulpit to minister to people with the laying on of hands. When I raised my hands to pray for them, they began to fall under the power of God, filled with the Holy Spirit. Some were shaking, some were laughing and some were being baptized in the Holy Ghost.
Even though I didn’t get to pray for them directly, a large number of people who were sick were healed instantly. One woman had an illness in her stomach, a terrible infection that doctors could not heal. She spent a week sick at home and fifteen days in the hospital, but it amounted to nothing. She came up for prayer that morning, and the anointing was so strong that she fell on the floor, and then people saw a three-Inch-long maggot crawl out of her nose. She was instantly and completely healed. She was not a Christian and had been involved with witch doctors, but that morning she got her healing and gave her life to the Lord.
Soon after that, I began to receive invitations to preach in several regions In Brazil. I went to all the places where the Lord led me, and in all the meetings God healed a large number of people. In July 2011, I was in a large meeting with Randy Clark again here in Brazil. Randy’s spiritual son, Ed Rocha, prayed for me. I fell to the ground, and I felt terrible and wonderful crunches in my belly. Ed got down on his knees beside me, took off his watch and placed it on my wrist, saying, “A new season is being opened up by the Lord in your ministry. A new time wiII arrive and it has already begun. You will be invited to minister all over South America, and the level of your anointing will increase.”
At that point I had not yet left Brazil to minister. Sure enough, not long after that night I got invitations to preach in Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. It has been a year since Ed gave me that word, and since then, I have been to all the countries in South America to preach about the power of God to heal. I have ministered to literally thousands of people who have been touched by the healing power of Jesus. I have prayed and seen over eighty blind people recover their vision, over seventy deaf people receive their hearing, over thirty dumb start to speak and over sixty lame walk. Many other signs are manifested during my meetings. Gold teeth, pins, screws and metal rods in people’s bodies have turned into bone or disappeared, and many people have recovered the ability to move a limb that they could not move before due to the metal. You can watch hundreds of such video testimonies on YouTube under my name, Marcelo Casagrande. I thank the Lord and glorify His name for the life of Randy Clark, whom God used to forever change my life and ministry.
Mike Kaylor
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
To say that I was disillusioned with my life and ministry would be an understatement. After thirty years in ministry and five “movements,” I was desperate for the reality of the presence of God.
At a meeting in Toronto with Randy, my wife had been healed of a debilitating pain no doctors could explain in the upper part of her back and shoulders. I had heard of the tremendous outpouring of power and impartation happening on Randy’s ministry trips, and I knew that if my hunger was to be addressed, I would need to go where heaven seemed to be opened. As a result, I made my first ministry trip to Brazil with Randy. One of the wonderful blessings of being on the trip was the fact that there was a special time set aside to pray for impartation for the team. As I stood waiting for my time to be prayed for, my mind raced with excitement and wonder as I saw people respond to the prayer with a myriad of reactions. I thought to myself, What if I am the only one in the room that nothing happens to?
Before I could finish that thought, Randy was standing in front of me. He began to pray as he laid his hand on my forehead. I suddenly found myself on my knees, with uncontrollable shaking and my arms flailing all over the place. As scary as it was, I did not want to stop something God was doing. I said, Lord, let it come.”
A heat started on the inside of me until it consumed my whole body from head to toe. I felt as though I were on fire! As this impartation continued, I heard the Lord say, “You wanted it-you’ve got it!
I felt a strange tingling sensation going into my forehead. It was as if an angel placed something inside there. This happened three times. I began to receive an understanding about the realm of the angelic and the angels that had been assigned to me. The impartation continued into the next night, when I had to be carried out of the meeting because I was unable to stand, much less walk,
After this impartation, I began to notice a difference during ministry time. Once, as I prayed for a young girl, I felt a gust of wind come over me in a room that was totally enclosed. My translator said she thought that the Lord was making me sensitive to the angelic. Another time, as I was praying for a young man I put my hand on his forehead. To my surprise, he literally flew back eight feet in the air. The next person I prayed for was a woman in need of healing. As I began to pray for her, she said that the area she needed healing in was becoming hot. She received her healing, and I moved on to the next person, who told me the same exact thing. Heat was surrounding the area that needed healing! I knew then that something wonderful had been imparted to me. These things had never happened before.
After that time, when I would pray for impartation for others, many of them seemed to receive the same consuming fire of God. As John Wimber said, “Whatever you receive, go and give it away.” I felt as if it were Christmas and I was going around giving away free gifts to anyone who would take them.
I fully believe that the impartation or download from heaven that was given to me was not because of anything that I did to attain it. It came in response to a deep hunger that brought me to a place where I could receive.

Pastor Silvio Galli
Sao Paulo, Brazil
I received impartation through several ministries, causing a radical change in my life and great renewal. In 2001 Pastor Randy came to our church. As he prayed for me, I could feel a big heat that came through the Holy Ghost. It was a glorious state. After this impartation, my ministerial and personal life was transformed. Today I have the intense presence of God’s glory in my life, and through His grace I have imparted this same anointing to other people.
In the beginning, great resistance came from my family and church. When God started to move among us, things got out of control. Some people thought that what was going on was emotional or that we were exaggerating. Others thought that it was just momentary. After a while, people started to see our transformation. Soon they saw that it was not emotion, but something that came from God.
Pastor Randy Clark has been with us several times now. The first time in 2001, our church was traditional and we had around 350 people. When Randy came for the second time, we already had moved and we had around 1,200 people. The third time we had 3,000 people, and by the fourth time, in 2009, the church had grown to over 9,000. In 2010 we started 23 more churches out of this mother church. I know that this anointing came to bring other anointings, like the anointing to conquer the city, the multitudes and to grow the churches.
The anointing has a price. After the revival in our church, we needed to change some things in our doctrine. The anointing brought us many revelations. We have become one church that is multiplying. By 2020 we will open 200 new churches.

Anglican father Bob Jepsen
Oceanside, California

I was ordained a priest in 1972 and began to experience a deep desire for greater intimacy with God and a desire to be filled with the Spirit and to receive the supernatural gifts. Fast-forward several years to a Rodney Howard-Browne conference called Abiding Place, at which I received an impartation. I believe it was in 1998. When Randy spoke at that conference, I received tremendous encouragement. I also caught the mission virus from him and ended up in Brazil. I was blown away at the meetings in Curitiba and Recife, Brazil. As I prayed for hundreds, I witnessed healings and signs and wonders. God used me to transfer the anointing to many others. Almost everyone I touched reported back that all their pain had left their bodies.
One night in Recife when Randy prayed over the team, I went down. While lying on the floor of the Anglican cathedral we were in, I believe God spoke to me and said I was to take teams to South America wherever He opened doors. In July 2003, my wife, our son, Peter, and I spent three weeks in Arequipa, Peru. I taught and trained nine seminary students and the pastor of the Anglican church to pray for healing. We planned a healing service, and fifty persons attended. Several were healed physically.
We had similar experiences at youth conferences and women’s prisons and in Uganda in 2001. In Kisoro, I taught thirty Anglican pastors on the healing ministry, and for five days I was part of a team of sixteen Anglican and Pentecostal prayer warriors. This was my introduction to deliverance-big time. One Muslim man came to me for prayer. He told me, “There is a power in my head, and this power tried to cast me in the fire.”
My response, what the Holy Spirit told me to say, “It’s a demon that is trying to cast you into the fire, and only Jesus can get rid of the demon.”
The man replied, “I want to accept Jesus.”
Perhaps the greatest miracle I saw was deafness healed when I prayed for an older woman. She exclaimed to me, “Something popped in my ears and now they are fine!”
It is exciting for me to see how God has used Randy to set this very ordinary, very broken Anglican priest on fire for missions. In 2006 I led two ministry teams to Bolivia. I am so excited to live to see this day of revival and to be a part of this move of God shaking the nations (see Isaiah 64).

Johan Escoto
South America/Southwestern U.S. *
I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit as I was praying one day on my own. During that time, I received the call to minister. In 1991 I began a church under a larger ministry. When Randy Clark came to my country in 1996 and was visiting our ministry’s churches, I received a word from the Lord through him. A friend wrote the prophecy down for me that day, and I stiII carry it with me. What my friend wrote is, “God has given you a unique or specific anointing that will have great impact. He will send you to the U.S. and many countries, as well as Canada, with signs and wonders. You will be a prophet of fire.”
That was the beginning of a 20-day visitation from the Lord for me. An angel came with a torch of fire in his hand and put it in my hand. Then the angel made me swallow the torch. It burned my mouth and throat. When it reached my stomach, it caused an explosion in which I screamed and screamed. Then I could not walk for 22 days without being slain in the Spirit when I tried to get up.
Every little sin was magnified a thousand times. I would spend nights crying in God’s presence. And people would have to hold me up to preach. Then everyone in the church would fallout or laugh and laugh. In the first meeting after the impartation I received, a woman had her arm in a cast, eaten away with bone cancer, and she was totally healed.
Many miracles, signs and wonders have continued happening since my impartation. Through my ministry, I now travel throughout the United States and around the world to bring the message of the saving, healing, transforming power of Jesus Christ and a fresh impartation of the fire of His presence. * Name and identifying details have been changed.

Teresa Seputis
I had been a Christian for many years, having accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of fourteen, but no one told me that Jesus had to be Lord (e.g., boss) of my life. As a result, my early Christian experience was not very successful or powerful, and I never developed a deep and intimate relationship with God. That is why I ended up backsliding in my late twenties for four or five years.
Shortly after I was married, though, I started feeling hungry for God. I began to fast, and my devotions and prayer time came alive. I enrolled at Fuller Theological Seminary so I could go into full-time ministry. I began to have prophetic knowledge of people’s needs, but I had never heard of the prophetic gift and did not know what was happening.
In April 1994 I got an email about some amazing meetings in San Francisco where God was showing up in unusual ways. I went, received prayer and had an incredibly powerful encounter with God. My body began to shake, which lasted three hours. During that time, God kept telling me to trust Him. I continued to attend the meetings, and God met me powerfully each time. He began doing inner healing in me, and I began to feel loved and also able to love others with the love of Christ.
After this I began flying to Toronto, where Randy prayed for me several times at the revival. Every time he prayed for me, a passion for missions would burn in my soul. Randy came to minister in my home church in August 1994, and during these meetings I again experienced the tangible presence of God.
In 1995 and 1997 I went with Randy and a team to Moscow. On both of these trips, I saw God do amazing miracles when I prayed for people. I saw deaf ears open, semi-crippled people walk and one instance when God grew back missing body parts. There was a lady who had been in a fire, and her kneecaps were burned off. When I prayed for her, God gave her new kneecaps! The thing that I took back from the second trip was that God really will heal the sick through me!
In June 2001, I started a healing school where people learned to pray for the sick and see people get healed. I am convinced that God wants everyone in the Body of Christ to be able to pray for and heal the sick.
In 2002 I was laid off from my job, five days before leaving on a trip to Brazil with Randy. Significant things happened to me on that trip. It was an incredible time where I saw the power and anointing of God in healing as never before. I felt that it was a foretaste of what to expect from God in terms of healing ministry. When I got home from Belem, I knew that God was taking me out of secular employment to live by faith and work full-time for Him.
I cannot help but think of Randy as a spiritual father since God used him to impart into me and to launch me into ministry. Randy also helped me gain enough boldness and confidence in the Lord to be able to conduct healing meetings in many different countries around the world.
[Note: After returning from the Russia trips, Teresa saw her ministry begin to grow from very humble beginnings into an interactive Internet training school for intercession and prophecy called GodSpeak International. Thousands of students have participated in the school, which is still active today. Many have been launched into their own powerful ministries through it.

Dayoung Klmn
It was 1995 when I first met Randy Clark at a meeting in Langley, British Columbia. At the end of the meeting, he invited people to receive prayer. At that time, my ministry was in the beginning stage in China. I visited the under- ground churches there and trained them.
As I approached the front stage Randy came down, and I ran into him and asked for prayer. He prayed a very interesting prayer. This is how I remember it: “I pray for this man who is ministering to churches in China. Holy Spirit, fill him up! I pray and impart all of my spiritual inheritance through the prayer I have received from Benny Hinn, John Wimber …”
I do not remember the names of all the people Randy mentioned, but I felt very good and blessed. The following week, I was on my way to China. As I was leading one of the meetings there, I told the leaders I was going to pray for all of them to do more of what Jesus promised we all could do. I invited the Holy Spirit to touch them. I did not lay hands on anyone, but the Holy Spirit moved among these leaders. Many told me that they felt something and that they were feeling heat in their bodies.
One of the elderly ladies in her seventies, who served in the Chinese Red Army, later told me that she was healed from severe arthritis. She had been unable to sleep well for forty years she said. After the meeting, she got up to help her daughter work. After that, she went out ministering to the neighbors and brought them to the Lord. Someone told me that she brought about seventy people to the Lord. I also found out that many of the leaders whom I prayed with are pioneering more churches than ever and are winning many souls to the Lord.
This made me think about what impartation is all about.
Because of my experiences, I seriously meditated on the word impartation. In the year 2000, I began the ministry called Impartation Ministries International, which is still going strong today.

Dr. Denise Meisburg
Jacksonville, Florida
It all started back when I was attending a conference with my friend Cheryl Schang. Cheryl had seriously damaged knees that no surgery or therapy could help. The medical professionals predicted her mobility would be severely impaired for the rest of her life. She believed in healing and had been prayed for many times, but was stiII waiting.
When our conference was over, we noticed that some other meeting was going on in the facility next door. We went over to check it out. Randy Clark was just finishing a message and leaving the stage to walk around and pray for people. As Cheryl came through the door, Randy suddenly said, “Somebody is getting their knee healed.” Randy’s ministry team prayed for Cheryl and received accurate words of knowledge about other medical conditions that she had, but they were not praying for her knees. She had a heart condition and it was healed, but not her knees! Randy was still asking, “Who’s got the knee problem?” We cut through the crowd and got close enough for Cheryl to tell him, “It’s me.”
Randy never touched Cheryl. Instead, he got on his knees and prayed very simply as he was bowed before her, “Jesus, I’m just the colt of the donkey you ride on.” (By that he meant that the healing power was not his but was from the Spirit. Randy saw himself as the donkey colt Jesus rode on Palm Sunday, simply a servant, and he wanted all praise to go to the Lord for whatever happened.)
As Randy prayed that prayer, I felt a tangible wind blow across us. Cheryl was instantly healed. She started jumping and screaming, rejoicing and praising Jesus.
In the midst of that, Randy turned to me and said, “And you-you will be involved in Jewish evangelism in Russia and the Ukraine regions.”
Randy had never met me and did not know I was Jewish. His prophetic word was a pivotal event in my life. It changed my self-perception in regard to my calling beyond that of a wife, mother and nurse. It encouraged me to become equipped and ready. The prophetic word makes room for what God wants to do, if you will believe it and act on it. I believe God has led me to be diligent and responsible to that word.
In 2003 I finished a doctorate degree in counseling so that I could get out into the secular marketplace. In 2004 my husband and I went to the Catch the Fire conference in Toronto. We specifically went there from Jacksonville, Florida, in order to thank Randy for his impact on my life the first time he had prayed for me, almost five years before. As I shared my testimony, he prophesied over me again, this time saying I was to be involved in national Jewish evangelism
Randy did not know that my husband and I were just getting started with teaching the HaYesod program, which is basically a Jewish roots class for Gentiles. But his prophecies had a tremendous impact in helping me take hold of God’s calling, exercise the faith to walk in it and have the motivation to prepare myself for its outworking. I have been privileged to see what I believe is only the beginning of a great last-days outpouring of God’s glory in the world. But ministering in His power is not just about getting a prophecy or an impartation. It is about knowing His heart. You cannot use His power unless you know His heart! And that takes time. No prophecy or impartation can take the place of time with Jesus. Do you want to see His glory? Take the time to get to know Him!

Bearing Fruit for the Kingdom
Each person’s story told in the preceding pages bears out the fruit of impartation. Through the impartations they received, each person was changed, empowered and directed. They then responded by walking in and fulfilling their God-given destinies. What I hope that you take away from these amazing stories is that God can take ordinary people, touch them through impartation and reach the world. That could mean you! In chapter 8 ahead, called “Clothed with Power: Nobody Is Safe,” I will talk more about exactly that-how nobody is safe when the presence of God comes in power.
In the next chapter, though, I want to highlight an important kind of impartation-an impartation to “see” into the spiritual realm. This is a key to greater miracles and more healings in one’s ministry or life. I myself am asking, seeking and knocking for this impartation.


Chapter 6 Why Impartations? Why Signs and Wonders?

True Christianity hinges on a theology of presence-the presence of God. The Christian life is based on a personal relationship with the living God, whose ultimate desire is to be known by us as we are known by Him (see 1 Corinthians 13:12). He reveals His heart, His thoughts and His purposes to those who walk in friendship with Him. Though He is invisible, He can be felt, heard and seen, sometimes by manifest visitation, sometimes by effect, just as we see the effects of the wind, though not the wind itself.
If you take away the elements of experience and revelation, you are left with religion-perhaps an admirable system of ethics and rules, but not much of a relationship. All through the Bible, the ultimate authority on revelation, we see the various means by which God chooses to reveal Himself. These include the working of miracles, healing, dreams and visions, the prophetic word and other manifestation gifts of the Spirit. Sadly; those who dismiss these vehicles of God’s self-revelation, saying they have ceased, are dismissing much of what is most precious and dynamic about a relationship with God.
Our God has an incredible desire to reveal Himself. In Isaiah 65:1, the prophet Isaiah tells us that God reveals Himself even to those who are neither asking for nor seeking Him. Romans 1:20 says all of creation serves to reveal His eternal power and divine nature. The gospel of John tells us that the Holy Spirit is sent to believers to reveal the very plans and thoughts of God. David, writing by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, prayed often for the glory of God to be revealed among the nations. Throughout Scripture, God promises to “show” or “reveal” His glory (see John 1:14). Jesus came that we might see God’s glory as “a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel” (Luke 2:32).
The Body of Christ is intended to further the revelation of God in this world (see 1 John 4:17). It should not surprise us, then, to see revival accompanied by demonstrations of the power and glory of God. Even the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit pale in comparison to those times when God chooses to “rend the heavens and come down” in His glory. His glory produces many more healings and powerful impartations than any of His gifts.
This is entirely consistent with God’s expressed desire to reveal Himself! Those who think God has quieted down over the years or has retreated behind the clouds until the return of Jesus really do not understand the passion God has for drawing people to Himself through the revelation of His glory.
What exactly do we mean by “God’s glory”? Moses asked God, “Now show me your glory” (Exodus 33:18). Perhaps Moses expected God to shatter the heavens with lightning and thunder, or perhaps embellish upon the burning bush by setting the mountain on fire. Instead, God responded to Moses, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence” (verse 19, emphasis added). Here God Himself defines His glory; it is His character and His nature as expressed in His names that constitute His glory. As He passed by Moses, He proclaimed His compassion, His grace, His abounding love, His willingness to forgive and His perfect justness.
How does God reveal His glory in the world? The Bible contains eighteen categories of instances where the glory of God is mentioned. By far, the largest category is miracles and healings, where God’s glory is connected thirty times to a demonstration of His power through the working of signs, wonders and miracles. Based on this fact, we could say that the main way God reveals His glory is through signs, wonders and miracles.
This puts a new perspective on what we are asking God to do when we sing, “Glorify Thy name, glorify Thy name, glorify Thy name in all the earth.” We are actually asking God to work His mighty power in our midst. We are asking Him to reveal His nature as expressed in His covenantal name, Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer. We are asking for a revelation of God’s goodness! This is so important in a world where so many think of God as distant, uncaring, unfair, angry or just not there at all!
This also puts a new perspective on the phrase, “Don’t touch His glory.” Are we not in some way robbing God of His glory when we hold to a cessationist view of God’s continued activity in this world?
The connection between God’s glory and demonstrations of His power first occurred to me as I was reading the gospel of John. The connection is first made in John 2:11: “This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.”
Jesus understood that the miracle of Lazarus’s resurrection took place for God’s glory: “When he heard this, Jesus said, ‘This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it'” (John 11:4). This passage teaches us that both the Father and the Son were glorified by this miracle. Jesus believed that in witnessing the resurrection of Lazarus, the disciples and the others present were actually seeing the glory of God. Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40).
John noted in his gospel that though the Pharisees and scribes had witnessed the miracles of Jesus, they still did not believe. The Bible is clear that the main way God reveals His glory is through signs and wonders, healing and miracles. The only thing that comes close in comparison is the cloud by day and the fire by night in the Exodus. I am not talking about taking claim for what God did, of course, but that is not the only way we touch His glory. Both Paul and John use glory and power synonymously. We bring glory to God by bearing much fruit (see John 14–16). It is the Sovereign’s will that we do what His Son did and even greater things-thus bringing Him glory.
I find it ironic that so many people express in their theology a great concern for the glory of God, yet they miss this aspect of sovereignty as revealed in God’s Son. Jesus explicitly stated that God’s will for us is to bring Him glory, and this emphasis was clearly related to doing the works Jesus Himself had been doing. This theme of the Father or the Son being glorified and their glory being revealed through signs and wonders is most clear in the Upper Room discourse of Jesus recorded in John chapters 14–16 and in the High Priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17. Jesus teaches that He will answer our prayers in His name so that by answering our prayers the Father will be glorified.
When the following scriptural texts are read in context, beyond a doubt the “greater things” reference pertains to doing acts of power, signs, wonders, healing and miracles. “Greater things than these [shall you do] because I go to the Father” in John 14:12 is clearly not a reference to moral ethics, but to charismatic acts done through charismatic gifts made possible by the future ministry of the Holy Spirit. John 14:13-14 continues, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” (emphasis added).
Jesus sees the Father’s glory as in some way connected to our fruitfulness. In North America, there is much emphasis on the “fruit of the Spirit,” but Jesus also spoke of fruit in the context of the powerful work of the Holy Spirit done through His disciples. “Fruit” is not limited to the Galatians 5 description (love, joy, peace … ), but must be under- stood to include healings, deliverances and miracles. This is the nature of the fruit in John 15:8: “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
The New Testament/Jewish concept of discipleship in Jesus’ time was for the disciple to become like the master not only in his teaching, but in his life and living. Jon Ruthven, professor emeritus of Systematic and Practical Theology at Regent University School of Divinity, comments that Jesus continues to build His Church and advance His Kingdom through His disciples, and through their disciples. after them, by answering their prayers and enabling them to truly be His disciples.’
When we consider how important the power to work miracles, healing, and deliverances was to Jesus’ understanding to how both He and the Father were glorified, and when we consider Jesus’ commissioning of the 12, 72, and through the apostles those who were to believe on their message, we cannot underestimate the priority Jesus placed on the ministry of the Kingdom’s expansion through the words and works that He modeled for His disciples. The modeling was for them to understand the nature of the Kingdom of God.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God was not just to consist in talk, but also was to display power, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:4-5: “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.”
Let me back up this statement by quoting from the “Implications and Conclusions” section of Ruthven’s book On the Cessation of the Charismata. Ruthven does an excellent job of capturing what I feel is the Father’s heart for the Church, especially as expressed by the father to the elder brother in Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son, where the father says, “My son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours” (Luke 15:31).
The frequent failure to respond to God’s commands to manifest the Kingdom of God in power is fully shared by most believers, “Charismatics” and non-Charismatics alike. Both groups shape their theology and consequent practice on the basis of their own experience-or lack of it-rather than on a fresh and radical (in its original sense of “return to the root”) view of Scripture. The presence or absence of certain charismata in one’s experience proves nothing at all about one’s spiritual status or destiny”
Here Ruthven quotes Matthew 7:21-22, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?'” He goes on to say that neither charismatics nor “non” are more or less saved than the other. All are sinful, but justified by grace alone.
Nevertheless, Ruthven points out, the New Testament offers us patterns regarding how the Gospel is to be presented, received and lived out. “We must not attempt to reframe our failures into virtues,” he says, “by allowing what the New Testament describes as ‘unbelief’ in and for the gifts of God, to be construed as having chosen ‘the better way’ of a ‘stronger faith’ without them.:” In the case of the rabbis of Jesus’ day, said Ruthven, their intellectualized biblical knowledge led to their cessationism and prompted Jesus to state, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God” (Matthew 22:29).
Another important point Ruthven makes is that much divisiveness over the gifts of the Spirit today comes from a common premise held by both sides of the debate: evidentialism. Conflict always follows when spiritual gifts are adduced as proofs of spiritual status or attainment, rather than used as tools for humble service for others. A core temptation for all of us is to “use spiritual knowledge and power to accredit one’s independent and exalted religious status, instead of through them, rendering glory, obedience and service to God.” Ruthven maintains that although spiritual gifts are powerful weapons against the kingdom of darkness, they can wound and destroy the people of God when misapplied in evidentialist polemics. He concludes,
The charismata, then, reflect the very nature of God, who does not share his glory with another. Similarly, God is a Spirit of power, “who changes not.” If the church has “begun in the Spirit,” let us not attempt to change God’s methods to complete our course in the weakness of human flesh. Since it is the Father’s pleasure to “give good gifts to them who ask Him,” it must be our pleasure to receive them humbly”
In the days of Jesus and the first disciples, the power for signs, wonders, healings, miracles and deliverance was not just to authenticate the message; this power was the expression of the message. Signs and wonders were not just performed to validate the Good News; they were a vital element of the Good News! To put it another way, miracles do not primarily prove doctrine about God, so much as they reveal the nature of God. God has not changed. Neither has the Gospel message. God moves in power, in signs and wonders-healing the sick, in deliverances, multiplying food for the hungry, raising the dead-primarily for this reason: He is good! And it is His desire to reveal His goodness-His glory-in all the earth.

Ministries on the Move
One of the most exciting developments of this renewal movement and its ensuing wave of missions is seeing God invade the earth with a fresh and powerful revelation of His glory among the nations. God is making Himself seen, heard and felt in all the ways that many once only read about in the Bible. Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and forever, is reminding us that every page of God’s Word is still valid and true for today because He Himself, the Living Word, has not changed.
Personally, I believe we are living in the grace of this out- pouring of power because we are moving toward the last days, the days of the final harvest. I believe a few ministries in particular embody what God is doing in these last days throughout the earth. I have already introduced you in chapter 4 to Rolland and Heidi Baker of Iris Ministries. Let me now introduce you to the founder of Global Missions Awareness, Leif Hetland, whose story I will relate. I also want to introduce you to Steve and Christina Stewart of Impact Nations, and Stacy and Casey Long of Catch the Fire USA, who will tell you their stories in their own words. Through their ministries, these believers share with everyone they touch both signs of love and wonders of compassion.
A fourth-generation Christian growing up in Stavanger, Norway, Leif Hetland rebelled at the age of thirteen. Falling into a lifestyle of alcohol and drugs, he endured the ruthless cold and hunger of the gutters for several years before returning home broken and confused to his family. Struggling with unresolved spiritual heart issues and unable to shake the grip of addiction, he led a double life until one night in January 1985. In the agony of detoxification, violently ill and raging with fever, Leif experienced the tangible presence of God in a powerful way. The sickness and fever instantly left, along with the addiction. More importantly, Leif experienced the “gift of forgiveness.” Bitterness, hurt and anger melted from his heart. Forgiveness and acceptance were no longer just doctrine, but a heart revelation experienced through a sovereign touch of God. A central theme of Leif’s ministry today is the truth that “God does not treat us according to our history, but according to our destiny.”
In 1989 Leif married and earned a B.A. from Luther Rice University in Georgia. He took a position as youth pastor in a Presbyterian church, eventually returning to Norway to pastor a Baptist church. In the years that followed, Leif was a “closet charismatic.” He stopped practicing what he believed because he did not want to run the risk of losing his reputation or his church. By 1994 he had become the classic burned-out high achiever living for God, not living from God.
In May 1994, one of Leif’s elders invited him to travel to England to meet with some pastors who had been to Toronto. During the series of meetings, Leif received prayer, prophetic words were spoken over him and God began a deep healing process. Leif and his friend returned to Norway to find that an anointing had been imparted to them during their time in England. Renewal immediately broke out in their church, and many people experienced dramatic healings. Then while Leif was out of the country, one of the influential elders, disturbed by some of the abuses of the gifts, began to teach that this was not of God. As a result, the renewal in their church was quenched.
In 1995, I went to Norway to meet with a group of a hundred pastors at Haugesund Mission Church. When Leif came forward for prayer, I prophesied, “You are a bulldozer … going into areas that have been untouched. I see a multitude of people coming out of darkness and following you into the light.”
Leif went out in the Spirit, weeping for two and a half to three hours. He knew a transference of anointing had taken place. Following that conference, Leif held two conferences of his own in which he noticed a large increase in healings and salvations-yet he had not done anything differently. Before, if someone got healed, it was like winning the lottery-great, but rare. Now, it was the norm to see people get healed physically and also emotionally through prophetic words.
“Before,” Leif says, “I prayed for the sick but didn’t really expect God to do much. My attitude was, Oh well, God is sovereign. Now there was a whole different expectancy as God’s calling was released in my life. There was this ‘week of glory’ shortly after Randy’s impartation where everyone I prayed for got healed, addicts were delivered upon a single touch and all the gifts of the Spirit were operating through me. It was actually scary! I thought I was losing my mind because I saw people through Jesus’ eyes and could feel their pain when I touched them. This didn’t continue, but I believe God was giving me a taste of what is supposed to be the normal Christian life when we are walking in the fullness of the Spirit.”
Leif forgot about my prophecy for about a year and a half. During this time he seriously injured his neck in a pool accident and his back in a car wreck. He was in and out of the hospital for eighteen months. During this extended time in bed, the Holy Spirit reminded him of my words. He began to sense a tremendous) supernatural burden for the unreached in the world-there are over 70 million people in Arab nations who have never heard the name of Jesus! He knew he was supposed to go where no one else was going.
At the end of 1996 Leif’s friend) Bjornar Heimstad, invited Leif to go to Pakistan. In confirmation of my prophetic word, that was the start of many trips to Pakistan, where Leif would see thousands upon thousands healed and saved .. By the grace of God, he has now been in over 76 countries, many of them Muslim and some of them Communist.
“I know God is treating me according to His chosen destiny for me) certainly not according to my merit!” Leif says. “He has granted me unprecedented favor with national leaders, with religious leaders, even with heads of state. He is the One opening doors no man can shut! I have seen every kind of miracle you can imagine-tumors dropping off, creative miracles where missing parts are restored, blind eyes seeing, everything. God is revealing His glory! Through the revelation of His glory, His goodness and compassion, hundreds of thousands are coming to Christ in areas that are officially dosed to the Gospel.”
In 2000 Leif’s ministry took a dramatic turn. By this time he had been forced to resign from the Baptist Church in the U.S., primarily due to his association with the Toronto Blessing. Wounded and hurting, Leif attended a Father-Son weekend where the ministry team included Jack Taylor, Charles Carrin and worship leader Dennis Jernigan. Dennis came to Leif and asked to pray for him. He ended up singing “The Father’s Song” over Leif while the Holy Spirit poured out what Leif calls “a baptism of love.”
“My whole message changed that day,” Leif says. “My Abba Father revealed Himself to me. I was healed of my ‘orphan spirit’ and received the ‘spirit of sonship.’ I learned that my inheritance is something I receive, not something I must achieve. My Father was giving me the nations not be- cause of anything I did, but because I’m his son! I went home from that weekend a changed man. I went home a lover not a doer. Ask my wife and kids!”
In the last eleven years, Leif has trained thousands of pastors, mostly in closed and hostile areas of the world. He gets letters every week from those to whom he has passed on the impartation he received from me. He explains, “The prayer of impartation is like being impregnated with what the Spirit is stirring and will bring to birth.”
Leif’s message is clear. The Great Commandment to love must come before the Great Commission to do. “I’ve stepped back from the ‘work’ of ministry, and now I just play with my Daddy. The wonderful thing is that I’m seeing more fruit than ever! God is love. When His love is released, healing comes-healing of every kind.”?
Leif’s ministry has been an amazing conduit of God’s glory. The signs, wonders and miracles worked through him and the Word proclaimed by him have brought a revelation of God’s goodness to more than 986,000 in Pakistan, the Philippines, Cuba and many other nations around the world in recent years. Multiply that by how God is working through all Leif’s spiritual “sons” (who are also my spiritual grandsons), and one can get a small grasp on how God is pouring out His Spirit in these last days. But Leif is not the only one. Steve Stewart related the following amazing story of impartation and its fruits to me. He tells it here in his own words:

In 1994 I was pastoring the Cambridge Vineyard near Toronto. Five days into the outbreak of renewal, John Arnott called me to come over and witness what was happening at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (then called Toronto Airport Vineyard). As I stood at the back of the auditorium during worship, a bit dumbfounded at what was going on, I saw John beckoning for me to come down to see something at the front. Two of my four sons, ages nine and ten, were shaking on the floor! My twelve-year-old was prophesying over them! I had no frame of reference for this. The reaction going through my mind was, We’re good Presbyterian stock. We don’t do this!
John called all of us pastors into another room, where he and Randy prayed for us. Now, the Vineyard did not believe in the “falling down” stuff, but the power of God fell and down we went. After about two minutes I got up, looked at the pastors out cold around me and asked John, “What happened?” John had a sore throat, so I offered to pray for him-just a simple prayer. I reached out to touch his neck. Later, people described to me what happened next. When I touched John, they said it looked like two bowling pins colliding. We both spun out and flew several feet across the room in different directions.
I stayed in the spot where I landed from 9:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. In those hours, everything changed! As I lay on the floor, the power of God coursed through me in waves of electricity and light. I could not stand. I could not talk. Carol Arnott and someone, I do not know who, propped me up and began helping me lay hands on other people. As soon as I did, they would explode into various manifestations. This completely befuddled me!
The next day I had calmed down somewhat, and I met with the staff in my church office. No one could work. We just began to worship. Throughout the day, as others came into the office from the parking lot, they would simply fall to the floor and begin weeping.
That next night, back at Airport Vineyard, John called me up to share. I told about how I had been so dry for the past eight years. Randy laid hands on me again, and again, the power of God surged through me and I could not speak. For the next several months I was frequently overcome with stuttering, and I stiII sometimes stutter whenever the presence of God is manifesting.
The next Sunday in my church, I shared my testimony. This was a church where no one had ever fallen, but the whole church fell out in the 9:00 service. When the 11:00 people came, they had to step over the bodies. Then they started falling out, the presence of God was so heavy. People finally started getting up to leave around 3:30, but decided to come back in the evening-even though we had never had a Sunday evening service.
A few weeks later, I left for Russia and stopped to speak for one night at a conference in Stockholm. As I stood at the podium, I felt the Holy Spirit coming on and thought, “Oh no, Lord. Not here! I only have one night with these people, and I’ve got to preach what I have for them.” I decided to stare at the ground and concentrate really hard on staying upright. Well, the translator next to me fell down! Another came up, and he fell down! And the next! I finally decided to quit fighting the Holy Spirit and announced, “I guess we’re done.” At that moment, the Holy Spirit fell on the whole place.
As I continued my trip, the same thing happened in Russia and Brazil-even though I had determined to say nothing about what was happening in Toronto. The Holy Spirit was showing up, and we were seeing a tremendous increase in physical healings as well.
In 1995, my wife, Christina, and I moved to Vancouver to start a new church. We have also started a ministry called Impact Nations. This grew out of our realization that what Randy had imparted to me that night was not just meant for a great one-time experience or even for a few nights. It has lasted all these years, and we have imparted to many thousands of others. We have traveled and ministered in healing to many nations, and we keep getting testimonies from those whom it has impacted. For a number of years we were doing a lot of seminars for businesspeople, and some of them are being used by God so powerfully that they tell me, “Steve, I don’t know if I’m running a business or a ministry.”
Doors continue to open for Impact Nations that we never expected. We now run three branches of ministry-seminars for training and equipping leaders, development projects and something we call Journeys of Compassion. Our development projects include medical clinics, feeding centers, farms, helping the poor start businesses, micro-credit and providing clean drinking water and sewing schools for women-at-risk. Here is a journal entry from just one day at a medical clinic: We opened the gate and let the first hundred come in for medical treatment. Several team members moved among those waiting for treatment, offering to pray. Almost all of them immediately responded with an eager, “Yes, please.” As the team prayed, something began to shift; we could all feel the heaviness around this place beginning to lift. Someone was healed, and then another, and another. There was a rising excitement-some people began to clap and shout as God’s healing mercy and power moved like a wave through the crowd. Before the morning was over, four totally blind people were instantly and completely healed.”
The Journeys of Compassion involve sending out teams on short-term missions trips. Every team member ministers on the front lines, directly engaged in both supernatural and practical demonstrations of the Kingdom of God. In April 2006, such a missions team headed into the North-East province of Kenya, which was 90 percent Muslim. There, we held open-air healing and evangelism meetings in a large field in the middle of the capital city, Garissa. In the beginning, many Muslims came, but observed from a safe distance. As the meetings continued, more and more came forward. From the first meeting, God broke out with healing and miracles, reports of which spread all over the city. Here are a few healings that took place: A fifteen-year-old girl born deaf was completely healed. Another deaf and mute girl was healed and spoke her first word ever-Jesus! Several blind eyes were opened-including a young child who began to look around [in surprise]. Malaria fevers instantly left. Hundreds of people had long-standing pain leave. Hemorrhaging stopped. As the power of Christ was revealed among the Muslims and other Africans, many raised their hands to receive the Lord. Two of the team members shared the Gospel with a group of about thirty children who had come early-they all prayed to ask Jesus into their lives. It was such a privilege to witness this historic breakthrough in the Muslim-dominated N.E. province.)
More recently, in May 2012, we saw some amazing demonstrations of God’s power in Kenya’s Nakuru prison. We did a baptism there on a Saturday, and on Monday six men were taken from the prison to court for sentencing. As is the custom before sentencing, the judge asked if the first man had anything to say. The young man replied, “1 am now a born-again Christian who was baptized on Saturday in the prison. I am a new man.”
The judge then asked if this young man was one of those baptized in the tank in the prison he had seen it on national television. All six men told him that they had been baptized. The judge looked at them for some time, then did something that never happens. He gave them all a suspended sentence, conditional upon them staying out of trouble for six months.
It was unbelievable, but only the beginning. Next, the prison chaplain informed us that 152 prison guards had asked to be baptized at the next baptism. Amazing! Then the president of the biggest television network in Kenya called to say that the network decided to show the prison baptism on national television four times. They had never shown any news story that often since he was the president of the company.
Outside the prison, in a very poor area of Nakuru, many people came to Christ through our team’s ministry. Cataracts disappeared, long-standing pain left. Several of the team preached and prayed powerful prayers over the crowd. By the end of the journey, 1,380 people had not only come to Christ-they had given their contact information and are being integrated into local churches, including a weekly Bible study for 56 Muslims who came to Jesus. Each Journey of Compassion like this yields untold fruit for the Kingdom of God.
What was given to me through impartation has been multiplied many, many times over. We train people, and then we get out of the way and let them do the ministry. This philosophy goes all the way back to 1994 when Randy imparted to me. Impartation is reproducible. That is how the Kingdom of God multiplies!’
[The impartation Stacy and Casey Long received has set them on fire to spread revival across the United States and around the world. I want to let Stacy tell us about it in his own words.]
I admit it was not my most godly moment, but there I was on the back row of the church, genuinely pouting. Coming from a nondenominational church, I had never heard a message on impartation and the transfer of anointing. Randy Clark did such a good job of explaining it, using so many Scriptures, that I was absolutely convinced and thought, this is for me. So I almost rudely pushed my way to the front of the church during impartation time and assumed the “receiving” position, with my hands out. I put the most desperate look on my face that I could muster. After all, I wanted Randy to know that I was desperate. I cracked open one eye to see if he saw me. He sees me; he’s coming; he’s coming. He sees me going to pray for me for a long time, and I’m going to fall down, laugh, cry, shake and be changed forever, or so I thought. That is what other people were doing.
I heard Randy praying for a woman next to me, then suddenly a thumb thrust into my right palm and I heard the words “Bless him, Lord.” Then Randy walked away.
I opened my eyes in a little bit of shock and thought to myself, “That was it? That’s all I get?” Nothing happened! I hung my head, made my way to the back row where my wife was sitting and began to sulk.
“What happened?” my wife asked. “Nothing happened,” I told her. “He said ‘Bless him, Lord and then he walked away.” I was truly disappointed. I knew I needed what Randy was talking about.
Just then my right palm, the exact place where Randy touched me, began to burn. Then my left palm began to burn. Then my legs and hands started shaking. I screamed out, “Something happened, something happened! And something did happen! My life and the life of my family would never be the same after that.
My family and I had been preparing to move to Bosnia as missionaries, and this impartation took place two months before we left. The best miracle we had seen up to that point was when we prayed for someone’s headache, and two days and many Advil later, it was gone. But we moved to Bosnia and began to see healings, dramatic deliverances, the prophetic flowing and people getting saved in supernatural ways.
One such supernatural salvation happened with a friend whom I will call Mark. His earliest memory was of his dad raping his older sister. His dad beat him, his sisters and his mom daily. When Mark was fourteen, the war was taking place and his diabetic mom could not get insulin. As a result, she had to have her leg amputated. While visiting her in the hospital, Mark heard his dad’s drunken voice in the hallway. He looked out to see his dad give the doctors and nurses money. Mark watched them all walk away, and he knew something bad was about to happen. He hid behind a curtain as his dad proceeded to rape his mother and beat her newly amputated leg until she died.
We met Mark when he was around twenty years old. To say that he had some anger issues would be an under- statement. He started coming to our worship and soaking meetings because of the love, acceptance and presence of God that he felt. One night in our soaking meeting, Mark was slowly pacing back and forth across the living room, praying or worshiping. I was doing the same when I noticed that Mark had stopped and was just standing in one place, staring down at the floor. I had the urge to go over and pray for him, but did not want to interrupt his personal time with God. After a while I went over, gently laid hands on his shoulders and prayed a short prayer: “Holy Spirit, You have to help him.”
Just then he fell forward with his hands to his Sides, as though he had fainted. Another friend and I caught him just before he smashed his face into the ground. He was instantly soaking wet with sweat, bright red and shaking intensely. He kept looking around fearfully, saying, “Where did you take me? How long have I been gone? Where did you take me?”
It took us over an hour to convince him that he has not taken him anywhere, that it was the same day and that we did not put drugs in his drink. He hardly believed us. Apparently, he had a three-day-long encounter that occurred in the half second between me praying, “Holy Spirit, help him” and our catching him before he face planted. He was in a field, and Jesus walked up to him and had what looked like a light shining out from behind His head. Mark saw a group of angels hovering in the ail’, singing sounds that we do not have here on earth. Mark said it was so beautiful that he wanted to just sit there forever and listen. Jesus took him to a sand dune desert and left him there. Mark began to run in fear for hours and hours, screaming our names untiI he collapsed. (That is apparently why he was bright red and dripping with sweat.)
While M ark was running in the desert, Jesus spoke to him from the sky about lies and truth. Jesus then took Mark to his mom’s funeral. There he was as a twenty-year-old, standing with Jesus and watching himself as a fourteen-year-old at his mom’s funeral. Everything was exactly the way he remembered it, except tor one detail that was highlighted. When everyone was almost done piling dirt back onto his mother’s casket, he saw his uncle throw two Catholic trinkets into the dirt. He had not seen that happen in real life.
Jesus took Mark back and showed him every hurtful thing that his dad ever did to him. He became increasingly enraged at the damage and pain that his dad had caused. Then Jesus began to show him every moment and incident where Mark had caused someone else pain. His heart began to soften as he realized that he was guilty, just like his dad. Then the encounter ended.
As Mark described this encounter, I was completely flabbergasted at the awesomeness of God. Mark, on the other hand} was not convinced that it was from God. He kept trying to say it was because of stress and that he was not sleeping enough and had not been eating the proper foods. He figured that was why this crazy thing had happened to him, No matter how hard I tried, I could not convince him that this encounter was from God.
“There’s only one way to find out if this is true or not,” Mark told me.
“How?” I asked.
He said, “I have to go to my mother’s grave.” He begged and pleaded for me to go with him to his mother’s grave and help him dig in the middle of the night, but I refused. Mark’s apartment building backed up to the enormous city cemetery where his mother was buried. He left my house that night around 1:00 a.m., went home, grabbed a flashlight and a spade, hopped the graveyard fence and approached his mother’s grave. He bent down and started to dig right around the spot where he had seen his uncle throw the trinkets in the grave during the “encounter.” As he dug down several inches, it hit him. I’m desecrating my mother’s grave in the middle of the night! he thought. What am I doing? Just then his spade caught something metal.
Around 11:00 the next morning I got a knock on my door. I opened it to see Marie “I found them!” he said. Goose bumps went up and down my entire body, and the wind was almost knocked out of my chest. He told me the story of what had happened at the grave. As he dug up those metal trinkets, a wave of realization hit him-the encounter was all true. Already on his knees, he began to weep uncontrollably and cry out, Jesus! I believe You. It’s true! I need You! Help me! My life is Yours!”
Mark gave his life to Jesus on his mother’s grave in the middle of the night, and he has never been the same since. This is just one of the amazing stories of God’s incredible grace that we have been a part of, and just one of hundreds of testimonies of the power of impartation to affect lives.
Just Because
This chapter started with two questions: “Why impartations? Why signs and wonders?” Do they occur to validate a message? I believe that this is sometimes the case, but more importantly, I believe God does good things just because He is good. He works acts of love just because He is love. Signs and wonders, miracles and healings are just God being God and revealing His glory to a world that is desperately ignorant of His true nature. Does He need any other reason?
God reveals His glory through His signs of love and wonders of compassion. Without His impartation of power and love, we would be unable to do His signs of love and wonders of compassion. And in our inability to reflect our heavenly Father, we would take away from the glory that we should be bringing Him by bearing much fruit,
But that is not the case. He does good things because He is good, and He gives us the ability to reflect His glory through much wondrous fruit. And so His Word in Habakkuk 2:14 is being fulfilled, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
Chapter 8 Clothed With Power
Nobody Is Safe!

Before January 1994, I had heard several times through different speakers at various conferences,

A revival is coming. It will be a nameless, faceless revival where there will be no “God’s man of power for the hour” superstars, but rather the emphasis will be upon the equipped saints of the Church. So many will be touched that, at large events where many healings and miracles were happening, reporters won’t be able to find out who prayed for someone who just received a major miraculous healing. Why not? Because the saints have been equipped and the old distinction between clergy and laity has been replaced from understanding it to be the role of the clergy to pray for the sick, to understanding that the role of the clergy and all five-fold offices is to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry”!

I believe the outpourings in Toronto, later in Pensacola, Florida, and in Smithton, Missouri, were a fulfillment of this prophetic word, along with the outpourings at several evangelical colleges and also earlier through Rodney Howard-Browne.
For many years now, I have observed the practice of impartation and studied the Scriptures on this vital grace. God sovereignly chooses to anoint someone with the grace to lay hands on others. The person prayed for receives an impartation of power for healings, miracles and/or deliverances. Some receive an impartation through corporate or individual prayer, without the laying on of hands. Regardless of the method, people who receive an impartation are then mightily used to advance the Kingdom of God.
I noticed that during the early days of Pentecostalism, many of the men and women who went out and pioneered churches around the world were first touched by a powerful impartation of the Holy Spirit. Many received their unusual power through going to Azusa Street and either “praying through” in the upper room for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, or by having someone lay hands on them for this experience. Regardless of which of the two biblical ways of bestowing power occurred, the issue is that they did receive power. And as they went around the world with this restoration message, many others were built up in faith through their words. The Pentecostal message was the answer to half a century of expectant prayer that went up from the Church around the world. That prayer was based on the belief that God was about to restore to the Church the gifts and power of the first-century apostolic Church. This message created a desire for the impartation of new power, or an impartation for gifts of healing and miracles.
Nearly forty years after the Azusa Street Revival, the Church experienced another visitation of the Holy Spirit. This one, from 1946 through 1949, was called the Latter Rain Revival. Once again hearts were set on fire, and once again revival would go quickly around the world. There was a strong emphasis again on healing and especially on impartation and prophecy. This movement, like the earlier Pentecostal movement, was the catalyst for a new round of missionary outreach around the world.”
About forty years after that, from 1992 through 1996, another movement began. This ongoing movement is again emphasizing and restoring to the Church the ability to receive renewing power for ministry. Once again, people are coming from around the world to receive an impartation and take it back to their countries. This movement, with its various streams that contribute to “the River” of outpouring, is producing a new missionary expansion in the world, and again thousands of new churches are being started.
This kind of empowered ministry is most needed if we are to see a revival of Christianity in Western Europe. Western Europe has lots of preachers and pastors working in its respective countries, but it contains a very small percentage of practicing Christians. Statistics for most of its nations indicate that only between 3 percent and 6 percent of the individuals attend church regularly. Western Europe needs another Patrick from Ireland to raise up a missionary movement characterized not only by the preaching of the Gospel, but also by faithful obedience to the Lord’s command, “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons” (Matthew 10:8, NASB).
The largest churches in most European countries are churches that do believe in the continuation of Jesus’ ministry.
Many of these churches were started at the beginning of the last century, following the outbreak of the Pentecostal movement that restored the message of the Kingdom with power to the Church. Many of the other large churches in both Eastern and Western Europe have been started in the last few decades by Africans who believe in the continuation of the ministry of healing.
Pastor Henry Madava from Zimbabwe pastors one of the largest churches in Ukraine. He started by ministering in the schools in Zimbabwe, then he left his country to study aeronautical engineering for six and a half years. He did not attend seminary for training as a pastor, yet in 1990 the Lord asked him to start a church. Reluctant at first, he obeyed in 1992, after the Lord told him that he had a choice-to obey or to go back to his own country and follow his own plans, knowing that they would not be as successful as the plans the Lord had for him.
Pastor Madava discovered that his educational training gave him many skills that helped him in his ministry, but the power came in his impartation for deliverance and healing. His church in Kiev started with 200 people, and he jokes that it grew to 30-negative growth. He prayed for insight, and the Lord told him that he already had a miracle in his house. He asked himself What do I have? and realized that he needed to return to the ministry of casting out demons and healing the sick. Victory Christian Church then became known all over the city as the place where people could find deliverance and healing, and his ministry grew to 6,000 at the main church and another 20,000 to 25,000 in 290 churches they started across the country. Each of those churches continues to start other churches, and they also run 30 rehabilitation centers that help people break free of their addictions. I interviewed Pastor Madava not long ago, and he has now led over a million people to the Lord.’

Missions Advance with Revival

Advancement in missions has always followed periods of revival. This was true of the First and Second Great Awakenings, the 1858 Prayer Revival, the Welsh Revival, the Pentecostal Revival, the Latter Rain Revival, and it is true of the current outpouring of the Spirit that began in the 1990s. A fresh impetus for missions is characteristic of true revival because true revival renews people’s first love. Then they love what God loves, which motivates them to go to the nations.
When I think of the key leaders who participated in the meetings in Toronto and what has happened since then, I see this evidential characteristic of true revival. Rolland and Heidi Baker are on fire for the nations of Africa. I think of Leif Hetland, who has ministered in over seventy countries since his impartation. I think of Wesley Campbell, who burns with his concern for children at risk among the nations. He both raises money to help them and is used of God to call others to minister to them. I think of the apostolic leader Che Ahn, who was so powerfully touched in Toronto and who has been used to start an apostolic network of churches with a very strong commitment to planting churches around the world, particularly in Asia. I think of the hundreds of “little ole me’s” who have taken vacation time and spent their savings to go on short-term missions trips around the world.
Just in the last nine years, we have seen about five thousand people go with our ministry, Global Awakening, to the nations.’ While preaching in Toronto the last few times, I asked the question, “How many of you have been to a nation since you were touched in Toronto?” I was shocked to see how many had gone. It looked as though at least half had gone to another nation. I know that is not normal for the average congregation.
Global Awakening has been sending 12-19 teams a year to the nations, with 20-120 people on each team. As I write this from an airport lounge, I am on my way to Sao Paulo to join 299 young people for our annual Youth Power Invasion. These young people, all between 13 and 29 years old, will be the teachers, preachers and ministry team. Two weeks ago we sent out two of our interns to join Rolland and Heidi Baker for long-term work in Mozambique. Two more of our interns are leaving in five months to join Leif Hetland and help him ill his missionary work.
In the spring of 2004, I was in Mozambique with a team.
During that trip I received three independent, prophetic words within 24 hours that were all in agreement. The words came from Heidi Baker, Lesley-Ann Leighton (Heidi’s “spiritual twin,” who has a similar spirit and anointing) and prophetess Jill Austin. The word was, “Randy, God wants to know if you are willing to be the father of a new missionary movement.”
Each time I said, “Yes!” But I felt several things about this word. First, I felt unqualified to lead a new missionary movement. I felt as though God must be calling several other leaders in the Church to also become fathers in this new missionary movement. And I sensed a total awareness of my inability to know what to do to accomplish this word. Now, years later, I have the peace of knowing what I learned from my friend Leif Hetland: “This is a promise, not a problem, and if it is a promise it must be received; if it is a problem it must be achieved.”
I realized this word was way beyond my ability to achieve, so I had to rest and watch as God began to give it to me as a promise. With all God has done since then, I have been able to compile a new book about missions called Supernatural Missions: The Impact of the Supernatural on World Missions (Global Awakening, 2012). I also wrote a small book called God Can Use Little Ole Me (Destiny Image, 1998). Its title sums up my testimony and my basic message to the Church. I look at my past, my limitations and things that I considered failures, and I have a whole new appreciation for what Paul wrote in Ephesians 3:20-21 (emphasis added):
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!”
God is to be glorified in and through His Church! He is glorified when we finally believe that it is not about what we can do, but all about what He will do through us by His power, if we will let Him. Let me share a few testimonies from people who thought of themselves as just a “little ole me” until they received a powerful touch from the Holy Spirit. I will relate the first story; then let the others tell you their stories in their own words. In each case, these people realized that God had a lot more for them than anything they had ever thought to “ask or imagine.”

John Gordon, Illinois
John Gordon was a layman who had attended our church for a long time and was even on the board for several years. John had never had a true experience with Christ; he would tell you in his own words that he had a false conversion. John became upset with me over all the healing stuff that was going on and being taught in our church. In John’s mind, it was not of God. In spite of his unbelief, however, John would experience two powerful impartations that would forever
change his life.
God gave John his first impartation in March 1984, during our church’s healing conference with Blaine Cook. John was standing in the back of the packed-out church. His hand was against the wall. Blaine gave the invitation and said, “1 don’t want you to come to the front for prayer just because you want to. I want to see what God does, and whom he touches. Some of you will receive a gift of healing tonight. If you begin to cry or tremble; if you begin to feel heavy, like it is hard to stand up straight because of the glory of God; if your hands get hot or tingly; if you feel electricity upon your head or heat in your chest, then I want you to come to the front for prayer.”
When John heard these words, he immediately said in unbelief, “That’s a bunch of bull!” He no sooner got the words out of his mouth than the Spirit of God fell upon him. His hand that was against the wall began to feel like it was waking up after going to sleep. Then the other hand had the same feeling. Both hands began to shake, and the intensity increased dramatically-to the point that his hands became a blur. He felt the heat of God, he was bent over by the weight of God’s glory and he was crying-not just tears, but loud cries. As he moved forward down the center aisle, he saw me and cried out, “Help me, Randy! Help me, Randy! Help me, Randy!” I asked what was wrong, to which he replied, “I have cried so hard my eye is killing me. I need to get my contact out, but I can’t with my hands shaking like this.”
I replied, “John that could be a word of knowledge.” (The preceding session had been about words of knowledge.) He scoffed, “You and those words of knowledge. I don’t even believe in them.” Then a fourteen-year-old girl, Tammy, said, “That is my eye. I just came from the eye doctor. I was told I have to have surgery on my eye.”
John, who a minute earlier had mocked the words of the preacher, stopped shaking, turned and prayed for Tammy’s eye. It was healed. It took only one minute in the anointing to turn a mocker of this kind of ministry into ministering himself in the very things he mocked.
Later in the service, John was standing by the pulpit. I was next to him and heard him say, “Oh, God, I can’t stand anymore. You’re going to kill me!” I had read biographical books about revivalists in the nineteenth century, thinking to myself that I had been born in the wrong century. I had read about Finney and Moody, both of whom made similar statements about believing they would die if God’s power continued to flow into them. I had wanted to live in a time of revival. I knew John had not read such books. When I heard him say, “You’re going to kill me,” I said to myself, I’m in revival. John has never been the same, still seeing people healed in Illinois, perhaps more than most pastors in the region.
John had another powerful experience of the Holy Spirit that involved impartation for deliverance. John and I had been asked to pray for a woman who was having grand mal seizures. There had been demonic activity in her family, and it was believed that the seizures were demonic in nature. The night prior to praying for her, John had been attacked by an evil spirit while asleep. Crying out the name “Jesus,” John was taken into an open vision where he saw this demonized woman being raped when she was sixteen years old. In the open vision, John was given specific information about the woman, along with the names of the two demons that had entered her as a result of this traumatic experience. As John and I prayed for the woman, the demons began to manifest. John went to her and spoke to the demons, calling them by name, which caused the woman to exhibit much stronger demonic manifestations. Then John commanded the two demons by name to come out of her, which they did.
John is still living out the fruit of that impartation to this day. Sometime after it, he was driving by the Bethesda Cancer Institute in southern Illinois. As he passed it he said, “I’d like the opportunity to pray for one hundred cancer patients.” A brief time later, John received a call from the director of the institute, who asked him to participate in a study to determine the effects of prayer upon patients. He wanted John to pray for one hundred patients! John agreed.
Several healings took place as a result of John’s prayers, including one man who had a vision of John entering his hospital room to pray for him. This man was healed, and his faith exploded as a result. John’s impartation took place decades ago, and he is still one of the most on-fire people I know in praying for healing and deliverance.
Anne Stepanek
Charlotte, North Carolina

I attended the first [Global Awakening] Healing School in Everett, Washington, in May 2004 with a friend. I’d been praying for the sick for about nine years with very minimal results, and I had never seen anyone instantly healed while I prayed for them. Well, the Healing School changed all that!” On the last day of the school, I prayed for a woman with knee and back injuries, and she was instantly healed! The day we arrived back home in North Carolina, my friend prayed for a woman over the phone who was suffering with knee pain, and she was instantly healed! We continued to pray for the sick and saw more and more healings.
We were so excited that we trained up people in our church using Global Awakening’s Ministry Team Training Manual. During the practice sessions of the training, people started getting healed! A six-year-old boy was prayed for at two practice sessions for a hole in his heart. The next week at his doctor’s appointment, the hole was totally gone!
We saw an increase in healings in our church services, and also people began to pray for the sick in their workplaces and in stores, parks and doctors’ offices. God miraculously healed many, some instantly and many within just a few days. It’s just amazing what God is doing. I can’t believe that God can use a little ole home school mom to release His healing power into the people I encounter as I just go about my day!

Carole Baerg
Toronto, Canada

It was January 1994 when my friends Iiterally dragged me into a meeting at the Toronto Airport Vineyard. These dear friends had prepared a room in their house so I could stay with them during the last few weeks of my life. The doctors said there would only be six to twelve of them! I had been in so much pain for the past twenty years that I was looking forward to the end. Every day was a struggle to live.
When the ministry time came at the end of the service, my friends led me to Randy for prayer. When he laid his hands on me, I heard him say, “There is enough sadness in the Church, and you have been sad long enough!
When Randy said that, I hit the deck, instantly “drunk” with joy! I don’t remember much about the next two weeks, except that I was totally intoxicated with the love and joy of the Lord. One night, sitting up front, I just couldn’t close my mouth. Randy came by and “poured more” into my mouth. This was only a symbolic gesture, but I realized the word spoken was “Open your mouth and He will fill it” (see Psalm 81:10). I was so drunk on the Holy Spirit that it took me three days to realize all my pain was gone!
After two weeks, I was asked to share my story at a women’s conference. I was amazed to discover that as I tried to share, I could not speak because I was so overtaken with the Holy Spirit. I was helped to my seat! Later, many ladies came and asked if there was any way they could have what I had. What a shock to discover that I could “pass it on JI to others!
Friends in ministry asked me to share, so I began to travel with them a bit. The Holy Spirit touched so many healings, refreshing and lots of fun in the Holy Spirit. A team of pastors came from Europe in October 1994, and we prayed over them. When the top leader got off the floor, he asked if we would come to Belgium and share at the opening of his ministry center there. That’s how I started going to Europe. From there it has been byword of mouth. When I first started to travel, it was such a surprise because I thought, Women don’t do this!
The next year, when I was in Belgium, a woman came to me with her daughter who was eight to nine months pregnant. The baby was dead. Doctors had told her to wait another week for labor to deliver the dead fetus. I panicked! I can’t do this! I thought. I began to pray, “Father, I have no faith fOI’ this…
I couldn’t tell if anything happened that day, but three years later, when I was in Belgium again, a young boy ran to me and through his arms around me. He cried out, “I’m the miracle baby!” I met the grandmother and, sure enough, that boy was the one whom I had prayed for!
I am still discovering the gift that Randy imparted to me. In September 2004, I was in a service when the pastor’s wife walked a very elderly man with severe asthma up to the front row and asked me to pray for him. I found out he had a badly damaged heart. This guy was on his way out! What was 1 supposed to pray? I said to myself, Well, maybe God will give him a new heart. I prayed for him that niqht, but had to leave town before the end of the conference.
A few days later a friend called me, really excited. “Do you remember the eighty-year-old with the bad heart and asthma? Well, he’s got a new heart! Last night he was dancing on the stage and running around the room, telling us about his new heart!”
On a recent plane flight, as I was thinking about what has happened to me, I suddenly realized I am a sort of “first fruits” of this revival. I think I was the first major healing in Toronto. The inheritance of this revival is healing, and I am walking in that inheritance. This realization has caused a new level of faith and authority to rise in me. It has been over eleven years, and I’m still growing in this! I believe we are going to see more healings, and more profound healings.
I’m 64 now and travel regularly in twelve countries, mostly in Europe. How have all these doors opened up? The Holy Spirit touches one in Switzerland, and she tells her friend in Cologne, Germany. Then I get invited to share in churches and in “church around the kitchen table.” It keeps multiplying beyond me. A woman I prayed for in Holland was healed of leukemia. Now she’s a missionary overseas.
I have a burning in me to see people passionate about life and in love with Jesus, especially the young people. I am seeing so much fear and depression healed. I think I’ve been given much ministry to youth because they are so preoccupied with death, and that breaks my heart.
I just got back from Germany, where God opened doors to minister to refugees from Kyrgyzstan. One of the pastors saw a deaf woman healed and asked me, “Can God do that for me, too?” I prayed for this deaf pastor, and God healed him, too! The most awesome thing was going back into the Bavarian forest and finding people with an incredible hunger and humility. Ignited for Jesus, they are now eager to go into their own communities.
I once thought of what I’m doing now as something only leaders and pastors and their wives could do. But God is using me, and it’s a lot of fun! This revival is about grabbing hold of what God has spoken for you. It’s about not saying, “Oh no, not me,” but saying, “Let the glory fall!
Twenty years ago I was ready to die. Now I’m more full of life and joy than I’ve ever been. I have a great sense of security in my Father. He loves me! The words Randy spoke over me are the message of my lifeand the message I carry: “Church, you’ve been sad long enough!”
Seeing with the Eyes of God

The only thing “little” about a “little ole me” is one’s perception. And mankind’s perception is certainly not God’s perception! In the rotting, smoldering dumps of Maputo, in the disease-ridden floodplain of the Zambezi River, in the slums, in abandoned fields still littered with mines, the Bakers’ Iris Ministries finds the “least of these”-little ones discarded, unwanted and forgotten by the world. Their own families see no value in them, except perhaps as a body that can be sold on the streets. Many in the West see them as a burden to the earth’s resources, better to never have been born. How we need the eyes of God! Truly He is El Roi, the God who sees (see Genesis 16:13). He sees past the damage inflicted by the sins of man, and He sees past the work of the enemy-for He sees according to His promise, through eyes of love.
God changes our perception of ourselves and of others, and He empowers us to see as He sees-along with giving us the power to do as Jesus did and even greater things, to glorify the Father. And no matter who we are or where we come from, no matter whether we hold an “important position in ministry” or sit in the back of the Church as a “little ole me,” nobody is safe from being clothed with power from on high. Though the pattern is for God to powerfully touch the forceful types who “take the Kingdom by force,” there are many exceptions to the pattern. If you are a “little ole me,” you may be one of them!

O Holy Spirit, work in our hearts today to produce a love that is extravagant for God. Give us a love so extravagant that we are willing to “waste” our lives on Him, poured out as costly perfume. Only You can produce this kind of sacrificial love for Jesus and the Father. We confess that we cannot crucify our flesh; this must be Your work. So come, come, Holy Spirit, and create in us the life of Christ.
If reading these outtakes from the book “There is More by Randy Clark have been a blessing, you will greatly benefit from reading the book. It offers much more in clarifying the distinctives of what some have reasonably be called “normal Christianity.” The following page lists the chapter titles. You may buy the book from Randy’s website:
or from It is full of many edifying testimonies.
There are many videos on YouTube concerning this outpouring, though you must be careful as there are also many liars and dirt merchants who desire to defame what they do not understand, and in most cases, only deal in negative hear-say. But revivals have always been spoken against by those carnal ones who use careless, unverified words.

Tom Snyder, 2760 Lakemont Rd., Melbourne, FL 32934, Phone home: 321-751-5356
cell: 321-298-7111 Email:

There Is More
Forward by Bill Johnson


Part 1 The Reality sf Impartation
1. The Biblical Foundation for Impartation 15
2. A Man Made Ready: My Testimony of Impartation 29
3. How to Receive an Impartation 41

Part 2 Into the Harvest Field – Fruit That Will Last
4. The Fruits of Impartation 63
5. Impartation to See 87

Part 3 Evangelism and Missions – The Power Factor
6. Why Impartations? Why Signs and Wonders: 101
7. Radical Obedience: Impartation for the Power to Die 125
8. Clothed with Power: Nobody is Safe! 139

Part 4 Restoring the Lost Doctrine of Impartation
9. The Heritage of the Saints: Impartation and Visitation 157
10. Winds of Change: Preparation for Restoration 193
11. Building Bridges So Others Might Receive 211

Conclusion: Living Out Impartation 219

Notes 239
Bibliography 237
Index 243