How Will Your Church Benefit From Revival?

I want to pass on some thoughts for you to ponder. I’ve found that a large number of pastors have no idea how tremendous it is to be in a church where Holy Spirit is able to do the extraordinary things He loves to do. . Few have personally experienced revival. Recent written accounts are sometimes terribly distorted by detractors.

Many pastors are not aware that there are vitally important benefits to be gained by the saints in a typical evangelical church, but they see many potential problems. Yet after the elders and/or pastors begin to lead their disciples into becoming fully functional practitioners of the gifts of Holy Spirit—and who often bring about signs, wonders and miracles—they will see the following changes. Accomplishing this may require an upgrade in their understanding of scriptures and their teaching:

  1. Most people will spend more time in prayer and the meditation of the Word
  2. Increased effectiveness with loving and converting those not yet saved
  3. More member testimonies of healings, greater freedom from fears, plus increased joy all become effective reinforcements for pastor’s teachings
  4. Young children see how close and powerful Father is in their lives—they see faith works
  5. Teens and young adults have concrete evidences of the truth of the Scriptures
  6. Love and appreciation for the Scriptures deepens
  7. Evangelism efforts grow and produce much more results
  8. People’s daily walk becomes more focused on love and less on doctrinal correctness
  9. Times of group praise and worship become more alive and enthusiastic
  10. Self-focused living is replaced with living and serving by Holy Spirit’s leading
  11. Increasing Body ministry lightens pastor’s load and develops teams of valuable dedicated disciples and leaders
  12. Dependence of people upon natural solutions shifts to reliance upon God
  13. Natural tendencies we all have to rely on self for solutions decreases
  14. People’s faith grows, becomes stronger and more willing to risk bold prayers
  15. Member’s personal identity becomes more aligned with Scripture
  16. Percentage of the young choosing a vocation of ministry increases
  17. Families pray together much more
  18. Divorce percentages decrease
  19. Interest in missionary works increase
  20. Finances become biblically aligned and typically grow in size

Please note that this site is new and incomplete. It needs editing and any good ideas you may care to offer us. Use the contact sheet on this site or directly send to  Thanks!

Please pray for us I to receive God’s favor as we approach each pastor. You’ll find a prayer I’ve written here 

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