Introduction To 21st Century Global Revival

Most folks have little to no personal experience with revival. From my decades of paying close attention to the church in America, it’s fair to say that those who have heard about revival have first become acquainted with the errors, excesses and abuses that attend a revival.


The church is loaded with plenty of unspiritual folks who are drawn to gossip and fearful thinking. I’ll bet you’ve met a few? Though in my experience excesses do happen, they definitely are not common, but rare. Would you say once in a hundred is rare? One percent is a guess, but probably a very large number. We know so many who will tell you that the wonderful results of revival are truly awesome and plentiful!

Unity among all Christ-followers is vital, and takes a lot of forgiveness, love and patience to become a member of any congregation anywhere for all the same reasons as stated above. We must not allow ourselves to be separated from any portion of the Body of Messiah on earth.

Why does bad news travel faster and farther than good news? I’m pretty sure it’s because the bent to live by natural thinking has not been reckoned as dead in many Christians. I say that due to the abundance of publicly displayed sins of the flesh: gossip, backbiting, disloyalty, lust for sex, entertainment, gluttony, other pleasures—you know, the list in Galatians 5: 19-21. Perhaps you say you don’t believe bad news is plenteous and good news must be looked for? All right, search Google for the words “faith healing” and notice the ratio of hits about scammers to those who bring authentic good news.

I’ve learned years ago, whatever I focus on appears to grow in my mind, so if I allow myself to think too much about the condition of the world system, I can easily and quickly become depressed. This is why Jesus tells us to meditate on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, and virtue (Philippians 4:8).

So what I hope to present to you are the God-glorifying facts of my almost 40 years of increasing reliance upon the Holy Spirit that we have experienced and how you may become a partaker of the benefits of this present Holy Spirit outpouring.

This site begins like a book, with a beautiful picture and explanation of how the dawning of the Day of the Lord is already being seen and is exciting as we look toward the near future. That is followed with my attempt to show that scripture points us to the wonderful latter rain outpouring when the greatest harvest of saved folks will occur, while not denying that this revival happens in the midst of a great rise in evil – Satan’s final attempt to prevent his being put in jail.

Then I lead you to understand systematically what has been happening and how you can participate in the Lord’s response to our cries: “Come quickly, Lord Jesus.” I’ve used a system of logical sequencing of chapters numbered from 1-12 to lead you along steps that build one upon the other. So, to get the most in the shortest time, I hope you will follow those steps rather than trying the usual random clicking on what “looks good.”

Dear Lord Jesus,

By your great love and grace, please place a hope, a great hunger, into my readers for them to move into the restoration of the tremendous events and experiences that were in the first century church. Prepare us for the times ahead so that we may not fear, but will prosper in all of what shalom and abundant life really means to you.                                        Amen

I want this exercise to take you to places you’ve dreamed of, but didn’t think were obtainable this side of your “graduation” into heaven.

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Please note that this site is new and incomplete. It needs editing and any good ideas you may care to offer us. Use the contact sheet on this site or directly send to Thanks!
